
4 min to read

Parks are a valuable, often overlooked, resource. 通过当地的公园和社区中心,孩子们可以学习、社交和享受户外时光. 最重要的是,公园里的许多活动和户外活动都是完全免费的.

Get active, make friends, 通过参观当地的公园和参加社区中心的活动来回馈社区.

Benefits of Visiting Parks and Community Centers


  • 结交新朋友——在公园与其他孩子见面是孩子们提高沟通技巧的好方法, better understand others’ feelings, and practice sharing.

  • Improved mental health — Playing at a park 可以减少抑郁和焦虑的影响,提高注意力, improve critical thinking skills, and minimize stress.

  • Improved physical health — Spending time outside can make exercise more fun and engaging. 

  • 了解自然和他们的环境——在公园里度过一段时间可以让孩子们培养他们的认同感和独立性, 同时通过探索和发现了解自然.

Things to Do at the Park

你的家人能在公园里享受到的唯一限制就是你的想象力. Your child can learn through organized classes, programs, and cultural celebrations; socialize through community sports, volunteer opportunities, or organically.

Park Events

许多公园和社区中心全年都提供免费或低价的活动. 根据你所在的位置,你的公园可能会提供:

  • 教育课程和项目——学习不同的主题和主题, how to play various sports, and more. 文化或节日庆祝活动-全年享受节日或文化活动的聚会. 这是一个绝佳的机会,让孩子们了解其他文化,并与当地家庭建立联系.

  • 团体运动——寻找当地娱乐部门提供的运动. 这些通常是非常实惠的,并提供给各种年龄和技能水平.

  • Guided hikes — Explore paths at community parks, discover wildlife, and learn about your local ecosystem. 参加有导游的徒步旅行后,孩子们可以与家人分享他们学到的东西.  

  • 音乐节目与食品摊贩-享受音乐来自当地的艺术家,同时吃包装晚餐或当地摊贩的食物.

Outdoor Activities


  • Play with a ball — Play sports like football, soccer, basketball, 或抓来提高协调性和身体健康.

  • 放风筝——在公园的空地上乘风而行. Just watch out for trees!

  • 寻找虫子——孩子们可以在公园里寻找小动物. How many insects can they spot?

  • 看花——在公园里找到各种各样的野花. 记住不要乱动植物,除非当地公园的导游说可以.

这些都提供了社会和情感上的好处,让孩子们与他人互动, boost their self-confidence, and sense of independence.

家人可能会喜欢远足、野餐,一起创造回忆. In fact, nearly three in five parents (57%) feel happy or joyful after spending time at their local park.

A girl skates in a local park.

How to Help Local Parks and Your Community

最好的方法是找到创造性的方法来练习阅读,以抵消夏季下滑并让学生为下一学年做好准备, writing, and math. 这里有一些我们最喜欢的帮助学生学习的建议, growing, and studying during the summer break.

Clean Up

为了每个人的持续享受,保护你的环境是必不可少的. Over 100 million pounds of waste is generated in national parks annually. Follow the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace 就像你发现的那样离开公园,尽量减少你的影响.


许多公园全年都提供志愿者机会. Look for park cleans ups during Earth Month, tree planting for Arbor Day, and various other opportunities. Volunteering is another opportunity to be social. 结交新朋友,在参加志愿者活动的同时讨论你的兴趣.

Volunteering outside is known to build confidence, provide joy, increase personal satisfaction, 并帮助学生们与他们的社区有更多的联系. 

Find Parks and Community Center Events

You can use the National Park website to find parks by state, activity, and topic. 搜索你的城镇和你感兴趣的活动. 你的城镇或县城网站也可能有当地景点和活动的链接.

Don’t forget to stop by your local library. Librarians can provide information on resources, activity calendars, 并为您指出当地公园的指南或地图的方向. 有些图书馆甚至让你预订和借阅日卡.


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